Art Metropole: 1906 Catalogue and price list of colors and materials…

The Art Metropole building still stands at 241 Yonge street, across from Eatons Centre. But in 1906 is was located farther south at 149 Yonge Street. The catalogue also includes other important details: The new building was also used to house exhibits like the Thumb-box exhibition by Canadian Artists – 1911 They were quite proud of … Read more

Metallic Roofing Co of Canada Catalogue S

The 1900 Architectural Sheet Metal Building Material of Every Description is a fascinating 362 page catalogue that has been scanned and made available online on the Internet Archive. It was produced by the Metallic Roofing Co of Canada – located at King and Dufferin streets in Toronto. The catalogue has illustrations and photos on most … Read more

Ontario snowshoeing in December 2010

We managed to get out on the snowshoes back in December 2010 mid-December. There wasn’t a ton of snow yet, maybe a foot, but enough to enjoy the Ontario forest. In some places there were branches sticking up through the snow, but not a lot. Here are some shots of the wonderful old lodge nearby, … Read more