Art Metropole: 1906 Catalogue and price list of colors and materials…

The Art Metropole building still stands at 241 Yonge street, across from Eatons Centre. But in 1906 is was located farther south at 149 Yonge Street. The catalogue also includes other important details:

  • Postal Address: The Art Metropole, Limited Toronto
  • Cable Address: “Art,” Toronto
  • Telephone Number: Main 2124
  • Buisness Hours: 8 am. to 6 pm.
  • Bankers: The Bank of Toronto, Toronto, Ont.

The new building was also used to house exhibits like the Thumb-box exhibition by Canadian Artists – 1911

They were quite proud of this catalogue, asked that it not be mutilated, but kept intact for reference. They go on to say:

The compilation of this Catalogue has been a labor of years; possibly it is the most difficult to construct of the many business catalogues issued; not alone because it deals with such a variety of articles, but on account of the importance which attaches to almost every article it contains.

Special notice – page 3

While this seems a bit much, the 148 pages of the catalogue are quite impressive. The Composition of Pigments section is six pages long with a list of colours and descriptions prepared by Winsor & Newton Limited of London England.

Besides paints, oils and varnishes there are sketching boxes, canvases and stretchers, easels, and of course many brushes. There are also rubber bands, drawing tables, portfolios and palettes – like any modern art supply website these days. Heres a link to the catalogue on the Internet Archive.

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